Featured Companies

The Most Comprehensive Produce Company Directory & Tools

I'm a buyer.
Produce Commodity Facts.

Everyone knows The Packer is the top news source in produce. Now you have online access to some of the best produce facts:
  • Fresh Trends
  • Display Ideas
  • PLUs
  • Nutrition Labels
  • Growing Seasons
  • Markets, and more...
All combined with the largest directory of growers in the industry. Connecting people and products.

I'm a grower.
The produce shelves are at a premium with every retailer.

Finding the right buyers for your products just got easier. The Produce Market Guide (PMG) online is the first free search directory for buyers to find growers and for you to showcase your operation to gain qualified prospects.

Increase exposure for your produce.

With 1000’s of growers in 600+ commodity types, you need to stand out. PMG makes this simple with enhanced listings, display ads, and premium company pages.
  • Make your listings pop.
  • Show up first in search results.
  • Serve relevant ads to users searching for your products.
  • Create a company page that outshines the competition.
How do I see company ratings?

Company ratings are compiled in our Snapshot section on a company’s profile page. The Snapshot details a company’s payment policy, payment practice ratings from customers, number of employees, and company revenue.

Why do I need to claim my company’s listing?

When you claim your company, you can take control of your company profile listing. Add your company logo, company contacts, website, social media and plenty more.

How do I get my company on the first page of search?

Our Expert membership package offers an Online Premium enhanced listing, where your company listings are prominently placed on the first page on all company search result pages. Request a free demo to learn more about the benefits of our Expert membership package.

Does my company information get published when I endorse a company?

Yes, we display your name, company and title.

Does my company information get published when I rate a company?

No. To protect your privacy, we only display your company’s operation type, region, and the number of years you’ve done business with the company at the time of your rating submission.

Where does the content come from on the Produce Index?

ProduceMarketGuide.com’s produce content is produced by the editorial team of The Packer from information provided by the USDA and state departments of agriculture, commodity boards, and other industry sources. The content is also published in our yearly Produce Market Guide print book which is mailed to our Professional and Expert members.

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